Tuesday, May 17, 2011

JVRC is Funded! Whoo Hoo!

OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Jilore Vijana Resource Center has recieved FULL funding!!! YAY! Thanks to the Australian High Commission in Nariobi. BUT! you can still donate, because we will need extra funds. SO if you were waiting...time is up! Donate NOW because the project will be off the website by the end of THIS week. www.peacecorps.gov/donate Project Number 615-182

Construction logistics are already in the process of being planned and arranged, so it can begin as soon as possible. We are on a tight deadline and once construction starts, its going to be quick! I'm so happy and just want to thank eveyone that helped and donated to this project. The Posterus Foundation and the Australian High Commission were our biggest contributors and Jilore can't thank them enough!!

But, we can use all the shillings you can spare, so if you were waiting to donate or had just forgot, PLEASE do so by the end of this week!! Pictures of the construction will definitely be put up so everyone can follow the fun!


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